Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lighter than a feather

After meeting with the Phantoms of Technology at Venice Beach, I decided to take a flight over the city. The sight was beautiful and flying is something I wish I could experience in this world. I enjoyed the freedom of opposing the laws of gravity.

Gates of Hell

Searching through foreign lands, I found myself crossing the gates of Hell. I watched in as I saw many horrible images of lost souls. Definitely not a place I will be visiting again anytime soon.

Underwater World

I was walking around the Mediterranean and saw this killer whale from the shoreline. I jumped into the water and swam with the large animal. This has been a dream of mine since I was very young.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Second Life Assignment Questions

In World vs. Real World: How is the virtual society different than our real world society?

Tyler-Well, real world is... REAL. Virtual stuff doesn't smell, taste, touch. You can only hear it and see it. And quite frankly, what would our world be like without ALL five senses? It wouldn't be exciting, that's for sure. But virtual society lacks the real feeling of culture and uniqueness. I went to Bermuda in Second Life and in real life, but I didn't truly taste the culture of Bermuda in Second Life, it was just boring and dull.




How was your group meeting in world different, better or worse than the meeting in Blackboard Vista's chat groups that your instructors set up for this course?

Tyler-I can't answer that because we don't meet in the chat groups, we just email or call each other. We try to arrange meetings or get together after class because that is much more personal and productive then talking on a computer. Second life talking has unnecessary flab with it because it does much more then what you need to do, which is communicate. I can see myself just not getting any work done using it.




How can virtual worlds like Second Life enhance the teaching and learning experiences for students?

Tyler-Hardly. I learn so much about places by watching documentaries, looking at pictures and the like. That really teaches me. And people that have real experiences about different places and cultures, societies and all are much more valuable then a computer screen. That's just the plain truth of the matter.




What are the implications for the arts and society?

Tyler-Again, I don't mean to sound negative, but I don't feel it's a creative thing. It's not very artsy, though making the Second Life engine work takes computer skills, and in itself is an art. Really, I'd don't see the usefulness of it besides just talking. If I play games online it's because they are fun and you're blowing stuff up and developing a character, as well as exploring new worlds. That's cool, and that's beautiful. You can even meet other people on these online MMOs. What I like about these MMO games is that they look awesome! Second life has such horrible graphics. They seriously suck, and the loading time is from like windows 95. What's the deal? There are much better games and online communities out there. If I wanted to waste my life, I'd rather make it more worthwhile.




Friday, February 25, 2011

I choose to stop here and check out these cars in Venice Beach, CA, because I love old cars.  The craftsmanship that when into building these beauties is unparalleled in today's market.

I choose this one because it is important to remember those who came before me and fought for our freedom.  The Memorial Wall is a great tribute to military men and women who came before me. 

This last picture is of the pyramids in Egypt.  I Choose this because I love history and the mystery that comes with it.  Nothing embodies history and mystery than the pyramids

Thursday, February 24, 2011

This is my Group

We met up in Venice Beach. We didn't really care where, we just needed to get a picture together. So there you go!

New Zealand

I have no idea what I'm looking at, but I suppose it's just some store to buy crap. That's useless since I don't care about second life. But I know I'd like to go to New Zealand, it is a very beautiful place. Of course, second life didn't have any of the beautiful rolling hills here, just a few pieces of crap ones. So much for this trip!